Media Still Showing Trump Derangement Syndrome While Culture Has Moved On, with Piers Morgan

in the news today because we’re kind of talking about the Trump derangement syndrome in the media too is a confession by someone at The Intercept which is the news organization that Glenn Greenwald helped found you know it’s on the left and it had a certain POV and then it just went so crazy that Glenn left it in a blaze of glory but it continues on and there is a guy there named Jim ryzen who Glenn says they they hir just to be sort of a Counterpoint to some of what Glenn was saying Glenn always thought the Russia gate stuff was

nonsense so they bring this guy on to say oh Russia gate Russia no it’s real it’s real it’s real and he’s got TDS Trump derangement syndrome so he goes on the internet intercept briefing podcast and I swear I think he speaks for so many journalists in and around DC take a listen to sat s are are you more concerned about what’s happening or you is this what you expected I’ve actually been so depressed since the election that I’ve been trying to avoid uh ignore the news as much as possible but that’s

Why Piers Morgan is Taking His Digital Show Independent While Media Landscape is Massively Changing

pretty impossible really to ignore it completely and I think it’s going to be as bad as I anticipated maybe worse Trump is appointed a bunch of lunatics and conspiracy theorists to positions of power and he’s turned the government over to oligarchs and um so I don’t think it’s going to I I think it’s going to get bad really really fast but I’m trying to uh as I said trying my best to watch sports okay on top of that I hear on the New York times’s podcast the daily this morning that Trump in revoking the

security clearances of people like John Bolton is intentionally sending a a message to Iran that they should kill him so the media is not handling it well Pierce they are not not coping with his reelection an inauguration very well well you’re missing the my favorite of all which I’m sure you’ve discussed at length this week the Elon Musk supposed Nazi salute yes because the guaranteed thing is that at some stage uh the Democrats liberals whoever you the woke left some stes will turn everything back

to Hitler and Nazis which is their Obsession everybody knows that Elon Musk is not a Nazi and doesn’t want to support the Nazi party and despises Hitler like the rest of us de folk they all know that and yet they’ve managed to take his signal which as he’s explained in the moment and afterwards was from my heart to you and all right as I said in my post on X it was probably ill advised to do it the way he did it because I knew what would happen but that doesn’t change the fact that it was all and that obviously he wasn’t doing a

Nazi salute and yet the left could not stop themselves from reverting back to the same Playbook that cost Hillary Clinton her election campaign in 2016 it cost uh b or carela Harris is it turned out but Biden before that and then Harris this one as well because the reality is the moment you start using Hitler and the Nazis about Trump or his supporters you’re just telling most right-minded people that you have lost your mind and that your Trump derangement syndrome is so Advanced and so pathetic that you would genuinely

equate people who support a guy like Trump who has never ordered the Holocaust of anybody and isn’t going to let alone murder 6 million Jews and 12 million people in fact he’s an anti-war president which for a republican is pretty unprecedented in modern history somebody who wants to end Wars not stop them and yet they compare him to a one of the worst genocidal Maniacs in the history of the planet and that anyone is him as a fascist a Nazi and so on and you know just you would have thought they’d lost they they’d learned their

lesson Megan by what happened in the election that when you get a shellacking that big and people from every single ethnic group you know whether it was you know blacks whites Latinos whether it was Jews Muslims you name it but women men old young everyone gravitated to Trump in bigger numbers because as he put it in his victory speech they understood that underpinning what he’s about a core of Common Sense the Democrats have lost an ability to understand what common sense is they sound nuts and whether it’s trying to

whether it’s them trying to persuade us that biological men should compete in women’s sport because of course they should when the rest of us all know it’s utterly insane and grotesquely unfair or whether it’s saying that Trump and his supporters are a bunch of Nazis whatever it is it sounds like the the ideology and thinking of a lunatic and that guy not to mention that just think about like the weird articles we’ve seen over the past year or two about how men can chest feed showing the torture of these

little babies trying to get milk out of a man’s breast it’s ridiculous of course I can’t of course I can’t this is and what I hate most about it is that the the the gender specific language has been eradicated at the altar of far-left wokeism to the extent where just a little example but it really annoys me I always fly with British Airways wonderful Airline fly the flag for my country I love it and I usually fly to America on it and have a great time but they used to always say I used to love this a soothing accent would come on

from the pilot good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I will be flying your your plane today I’m captain so which sounded it well obviously the British accon as you know Megan always sounds so sophisticated it’s always and charming and erudite all those lovely things um but never mind that it was the fact that he would greet ladies and gentlemen that used to be fine that used to be something which was perfectly normal because the vast majority of human beings are ladies or gentlemen and identify as such but now they’re not

allowed to do it now there’s been an edict put out that they have they cannot be specific about gender they can’t say ladies and gentlemen because there might be somebody sitting at the back who’s offended because they don’t identify as a lady or gentleman to which I say which I say what about my right and the vast majority of passengers right who want to be identified as lady and gentlemen what happens to our rights to be identified how we want to be identified what has happened in the last few years is that a

small minority of people have been cated for to such a ridiculous degree that all language has had to be changed to accommodate them even if the vast majority of people want the language to stay the same Trump is ending that quickly and I’m so glad to see it because actually it’s been one of the worst things about wokeism is this gender neutrality coming into every aspect of life and the pretense that somehow people who give birth are not women and mothers uh people who breastfeed are not women and mothers men

don’t breastfeed that’s it end yes we’re just uterus havs there’s something in the news about the UK and school children you this the the UK’s been just as bad on the trans stuff as the United States and they had the whole Tavistock Clinic which thankfully closed where they were transing kids and it’s still going on they don’t they need an edict like the Donald Trump executive order but at least they’ve seen the light on the puberty blockers and the cross- sex hormones which we have not even though

the vast majority of Americans now oppose puberty blockers for kids according to latest polls but we’re UK when ites to that but here’s something was in the news I want to ask you about UK school children now school children are about to be shown this documentary about this so-called trans teenager and um it’s it’s about a teenage girl who’s quote transitioning into male which is not possible using a breast binder and starting testosterone it’s going to show in classrooms in the UK in February to promote lgbtq History

Month um and it’s funded by the national law ly here is a clip standby this is you in 4 years time yes this is how you sound I think back to you often I Remember You The Bully teenager who didn’t think you’d make it to 16 and I know you’re thinking that right now well I’m here to tell you that you made it well I’m going to say exactly what you’re thinking right now you’re a boy and on the 21st of December 2017 you started testosterone and changes started happening very soon your family realized that this is how you are

happiest and they’re all calling you Ben and referring to you as he now oh yeah you’re a gay man you found yourself so really what I wanted to say is in four years time you will have a hairy stomach a deeper voice a slightly more defined jawline broader shoulders a different name you’ve had Partners who appreciate you as you are you’ve done three standup gigs you traveled the country telling people your story and showing them the great man you’ve become you are the happiest you’ve ever been this is unbelievable they’re bring

They’re bringing this into classrooms there PE it’s ridiculous and can you imagine if you did a heterosexual version of that the outrage that would be erupting from the lgbtq plus community that they were being offended and insulted in this way by having a straight version of that in classrooms so there’s an absolute hypocrisy here as well but never mind all that none of this stuff should be in classrooms you have we learned nothing keep this stuff away from classrooms you know because apart from anything else

what you end up with you know I’ll tell you one little story about a school in the south of England which I happen to know quite well and they got a thousand pupils and when the gender fluid craze was sweeping through the world and particularly in Britain but also America as well 98 pupils I was told out of a thousand began identifying as gender fluid now when I heard that what quite obvious to me was two things one they didn’t know what they were really doing and secondly that if you ask the question today how many of them are

still gender fluid the answer would probably be almost zero which is guess what exactly what’s happened in other words young kids will pick up fanss and they’ll run with them when David Bowie was a massive rock star in the’ 70s and was a slightly cross-dressing guy who wore makeup lots of kids at school began doing the same to emulate their hero that’s what young teens in particular do but what you mustn’t do as a society I don’t believe and I’m sure you share this view you don’t put this kind of

stuff into classrooms to get inside young impressionable Minds in some sofy pursuit of what you think you’re doing is positive but actually you could have a very you know discombobulating confusing effect on these young minds at the same time I I really just hate it I just think keep it out I’ve got four kids I don’t want my kids anywhere near this stuff just it’s a social contagion and it’s one that could lead to sterility not to mention the numerous problems that overtake you physically when you go on pu puberty

blockers forget cross- sex hormones as as a young person and they parade it out there in a way they would never do with anorexia with cutting can you imagine a video like cutting if you’re stressed out and and depressed and anxious it can really be a relief for you to just take a knife and start slicing your body up and then in four years you might feel a whole lot less anxious you’ll have scars all over your body and you might actually be playing with fire on your life but I’m telling you you’ll feel

less anxious look at me covered in scars that this is exactly the same equivalent thing of that I cannot believe they’re putting this in classrooms but then I can because we were at a school in in New York a private school where they were celebrating and promoting trans ideology in the third grade which is one of the reasons why we left increased tariffs on our trade Partners tax cuts and regulation changes there’s a reason why gold is a diversification tactic now more than ever Birch gold is releasing

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